Pink Lily Watercolor Painting Finished!

Hot pink day lilies watercolor krista hasson

I actually finished a painting lol, I have been working on this and another one of a mauve lily a long time. One is going to be for an article with a step by step, I am not sure which one I will use yet. The one I don’t use I will post the step by step here eventually. I have been so busy this summer it has flown by, I am not sure where the time has gone. This one is 11×14, done on 200lb paper with mostly W&N paints.

Thank you for stopping in. Have a great day!

You can find this painting in my online store

22 thoughts on “Pink Lily Watercolor Painting Finished!”

  1. Krista, I too don't know where the time has gone! thanks so much for visiting… Congrats on all you latest achievements. Your solo show was a success,! I am so happy for you… I've moved so busy with that, but now will have more time for painting and visiting

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